Business Revenue Streams

First Revenue Stream:  Personal Sales

Commission Structure for Regional Managers is 40% base.  For example, 4 presentations equals 1 sale.  If you only averaged 1 $5,000.00 sale each week you would enjoy an annual income of about $104,000.  If you averaged 2 $5,000.00 sales each week, you would enjoy an anuual income of around $208,000.  If you averaged just three $5,00.00 sales each week you would enjoy an annual income of around $312,000.


Second Revenue Stream:  Group Sales Overrides

If your group sales average $500,000.00 per year, your commission would be $75,000.  If group sales average 1 million dollars per year, your commission would be $150,000.  If group sales average 2 million dollars per year, your commission would be $300,000.  If you average your personal sales (revenue stream 1) with group sales overrides, you can enjoy an annual income of over $462,000.00.


Third Revenue Stream:  Secondary Phase

Back end collections is the litigation phase of our process.  Your commission structure as a regional manager is 8%.  Once the back end collection phase starts, you will receive 8% of what is collected.  For example, the secondary phase collects 1 million dollars per year; your commission would be $80,000.00.  If the secondary phase collects 2 million dollars in a year, your commission would be $160,000.00.  If the secondary phase collects 3 million dollars in a year, your commission would be $240,000.00.


Once you average all 3 revenue streams, You Can see your Earnings potential is unlimited.